Java UML MCQ Questions-05

Java UML MCQ Questions-05
1. . Which of the following is or are true about a model?
A model is usually both abstract and visible
A model is easier and quicker to build
A model has just right amount of detail and structure, and represent only what is important for the task at hand

2. . In IS development models are usually both ____________ and ___________.
Both A&c

3. Which of the following is or are true?
A model must represent functional requirements
A model should not represent functional requirement
A model must represent non-functional requirement
Both A&C

4. Which of the following statement or statements are true about models?
Models are not easier to build, you need sufficient expertise and deep knowledge about the problem domain
You can choose which details to include in a model and what to ignore
Models can represent real or imaginary things from any problem domain

5. Which of the following should be the qualities of a requirement model?

6. Which the following is or are the qualities of a model that is rich in meaning?
It must be accurate
It must be complete
It must be unambiguous

7. . Abstract shapes are used to represent some aspect of a system. What does the above statement refer to Do you agree?
A model
A diagram
A structure
A method

8. Why abstract shapes used in a diagram should follow a standard?
To make a diagram less descriptive
o make sure that diagrams does get too complex
To make sure that other people understand the diagram
To make sure that a diagram can be reused

9. . The choice of shapes to use in a diagram is determined by _________________.
the designer’s personal choice
the window designing principle
ISO standard
a set of rules laid down by the particular type of diagram

10. Which rules or standard does an UML diagram follow?
ISO 9003
Rules laid down in OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification
Standard laid down by ECMA
There is no rules or standard

11. Why should we follow standard in a diagram?
To ensure that it accurately represent users’ actions
To ensure that other people can understand it and interpret it in the same way
To make a diagram correct
To ensure that a CASE tool can understand

12. . How can you make sure that other people can understand a diagram and interpret it in the same way it is intended to?
By including enough details
By hiding unnecessary details
By following a standard
By including prototype with it

13. of the following is or are the elements of UML diagram?
Two-dimensional symbols

14. UML consists mainly of _______________ to represent concepts of an Object Oriented Information System.
A icon
A symbol
A textual language
A graphical language

15. Which of the following element or elements make up a UML diagram?
two-dimensional symbols

16. . __________ provides a complete view of system at a particular stage and from a particular perspective.
A model
A diagram
An icon
A Symbol

17. . __________ is an abstraction of a system or sub-system from a particular perspective or view. Pick the most appropriate one for the blank space
A model
A diagram
A structure
A package

18. What is a UML package?
It is a diagram used to model deployment view of a system
It is a diagram used to model test specification
It is a diagram used to organize model elements and group together
The is no package notation in UML

19. . Along which dimensions do models change during the life of a project using an iterative life cycle?
level of details

20. Which one is used to model business activities in an existing or potential system?
Use case diagrams
Activity diagrams
Sequence diagrams
State charts

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