HTML MCQ Questions-3

1. What is the syntax for an HTML comment?
<|-- -->

<-- --\>
<-- --!>

2. How many levels of headings in HTML and XHTML?

3. What is the larger level heading?

4. What is the paragraphs opening and closing tag?

5. Which is the correct page breaks?
above all

6. Which is the correct ordered lists tag?

7. Which is the correct list item tag?

8. Which is the correct unordered lists tag?

9. What is the correct definition list tag?

10. What is the correct definition term tag?

11. What is the correct definition description tag?

12. What is the correct anchor element which is used to standard links generated?

13. Where is used mailto?
Email links
Relative linking
Intrapage linking
Hyper links

14. What is the correct syntax of a table?

16. What is the correct caption element of a table?

17. What is the correct image extension?
.jpg, .jif, .png, .bnp
.jif, .jif, .pnr, .bnp
.pmg, .jif, .png, .bnp
bnp, , .jifv, .png, .bnp

18. What is the right attributes to go individual page?

19. What are the right methods to pass values?

20. Why button is used?
To pass form value to the browser
To pass form value to the server
Both a and b
None of the above

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Web School BD

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- শুভকামনায় ওয়েব স্কুল বিডি

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