Spring JDBC Support MCQ-3

Spring JDBC Support MCQ-3 The JdbcTemplate class is the main class of the JDBC Core package. The JdbcTemplate (The class internally use JDBC API) helps to eliminate lot of code you write with simple JDBC API (Creating connection, closing connection, releasing resources, handling JDB Exceptions, handle transaction etc.
1. What is the alternative of Object-Relational Mapping ?
c) JPA
d) Hibernate
2. The instance of RDBMS is called
a) Database management software
b) Database engine
c) Database server
d) Database management system
3. The instance of RDBMS is called
a) Database management software
b) Database engine
c) Database server
d) Database management system
4. In the Spring Jdbc module , there is a class called
a) JdbcDaoSupport
b) JdbcTemplateSupport
c) JdbcTemplateDaoSupport
d) JdbcObjectDaoSuppor
5. Popular ORM framework is/are
a) Hibernate
b) EclipseLink
c) OpenJPA
d) Above all
6. what are the advantage of jdbcTamplate?
mentioned problems of JDBC API.
It provides you methods to write the queries directly,
it saves a lot of work and time
All of the above
7. what is a powerful mechanism to connect to the database and execute SQL queries?
a) Jdbc
d).none of above
8. ResultSetExtractor interface can be used
a). to fetch records from the database
b). to delete records from the database
c). a+b
9. What are spring Jdbc package?
d).all of the above
10. DriverManager datasource what under the package?
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- শুভকামনায় ওয়েব স্কুল বিডি

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