PEC English(part-1) Suggetion-2015

PEC English suggestion

Hello dear students. How are you? I think that all of you are fine. Now i introduce with the suggestion of PEC which is written by a principle of North South Creative School and College. She is our Sheila Madam.
Though you have no enough time you should follow a short cut plan in which you can revise your course more and more. JSC exam is the very important for the life. Here I give  some of the important suggestion of the Bangle. Everybody is following my suggestion. You are a success in life. It is very important suggestion
Though you have no enough time you should follow a short cut plan in which you can revise your course more and more. JSC exam is the very important for the life. Here I give  some of the important suggestion of the Bangle. Everybody is following my suggestion. You are a success in life. It is very important suggestion
Though you have no enough time you should follow a short cut plan in which you can revise your course more and more. JSC exam is the very important for the life. Here I give  some of the important suggestion of the Bangle. Everybody is following my suggestion. You are a success in life. It is very important suggestion
Though you have no enough time you should follow a short cut plan in which you can revise your course more and more. JSC exam is the very important for the life. Here I give  some of the important suggestion of the Bangle. Everybody is following my suggestion. You are a success in life. It is very important suggestion

 Reading test (seen comprehension):
  1. Saikat lives………………………….books every day.
  2. Raju is a firefighter …………………………….. to be firefighters.
  3. The Olympic Games ……………………..
  4. Raka is at home……………………………..
  5. Once there was a hare ………………before he could do so.
  6. It is a beautiful …………………………………… a quick learner.
  7. On 14 December ………………………… an experience we would never forget.
  8. My name is Shuvo …………………………had great experience.
  9. A birthday day is a ……………………
Reading test (unseen comprehension):
  1. The name of our country ……………. love my country very much.
  2. It was a hot summer day. A man ………………….. left the place very quickly.
  3. After a month’s fasting …………………………they embraced each other.
  4. Once there was a young boy …………………………..she said to the stranger.
  5. Robert Bruce was a famous king ………………………
  6. One day a grocer borrowed a ………………………………
  7. Once a lion was sleeping ……………………………………
  8. Marco polo …………………………………….
  9. Ms Jamila Akter …………………………………….
  10. It was a hot summer day …………………………flew away happily.
  11. Once upon a time, there lived a poor farmer named Abul……………………poor again.
  12. There lived a wood cutter in a village ………………………… honesty.
  13. A long time ago the town of Hamelin …………….. revenge on the people of Hamelin.
  14. Once there was an old farmer who had four sons. ……………unitedly and happily.
  15. There lived a shepherd boy/cowboy ……………….. for his telling lies. 

 for more suggestion please visit our Facebook page.

Muhammad Abdullah Al Mamun

I am Abdullah Al Mamun. Lecturer of Tejgaon College dept. of Mathematics. Have completed M.S in Mathematics from Chittagong University.

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- শুভকামনায় ওয়েব স্কুল বিডি

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